Treasured Shadows, 2022
Site-specific installation: wood, glass chandelier crystals and fabric Produced by Sharjah Art Foundation (Courtesy of the artist)
Sharjah Biennial 15, Thinking Historically in the Present
The Scarecrow, 2023
Cotton, wool, tulle, wood 300 × 165cm
Produced for BELIEVE @Tropez Topez
Image courtesy: TROPEZ TROPEZ, Berlin; photo: ink Agop
Textures of Grieving, 2019
Multimedia installations, Murial and Works on Canvas
Racing The Galaxy - Curated by Jerome Sans and Dina Baitassova
Palace of Independence, Astana, Kazakhstan; Photography by Saparlas
Mothers, 2018
Mixed media installation: Glass cylinders, synthetic hair, and wool
"Focus Kazakhstan: Post-nomadic Mind" at Wapping Hydraulic Power Station, London, UK
Curated by Indira Dyssebaeva-Ziyabek and Aliya de Tiesenhausen
Photography by Thierry Bal